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Spiders & Fire Safety Week

This week we had two themes: fire safety week AND spiders. No, they don't go together, but we made it work! We focused on spiders for writing and centers and focused on fire safety during reading block.

We started the week by creating bubble maps about pet spiders after reading "Diary Of A Spider." Then we graphed whether or not we thought spiders would make a good pet! *Ms. Ham does NOT agree with the majority of the class, but it was a great way to explain how everyone can have their own opinion! :)

Then we wrote our opinions about whether they make a good or bad pet and why!

I think the favorite activity for them was making spider webs with marbles and white paint! They're displayed on our bookshelf right now.

All of our centers were spider themed too!

Ask your child about:

-Writing: Writing an opinion. What word do we use typically when we write opinions? (LIKE)

-Content Connection: What did firetrucks and firefighters look like long ago? How do they look now?

-Phonemic Awareness/Phonics: Syllables, Ending Sounds

-Sight Words: what, has, his

-Reading: Identify main topic & key details, Describe how illustrations relate to text, identify similarities and differences between two texts. Why do firefighters slide down firepoles instead of taking the stairs? Draw a picture of a firefighter doing his job and label the picture.

- Math: We finished our unit 2 lessons this week! We learned positional words (above, below, beside, next to) and then reviewed for our unit 2 test! We made a huge tree map for our 2d shapes on the carpet...

-Poem: "If there's a monster in your closet and you don't know what to do, sneak up right behind him and yell a great big BOO!" The kids loved this poem and put the words in order on the pocket chart for a center. So far, I think it's the 2nd favorite poem, after "5 Little Pumpkins" :) I love hearing them read the poems and practice their fluency.

A couple of reminders:

-Wednesday 10/28: Early Release

-Thursday 10/29: Book Fair

-Friday 10/30: Storybook Character Day, Turn in Homework!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

With SO much love,

Ms. Ham

Meet Ms. Ham  

Hi, I'm Ms. Ham!  This is my 6th year teaching kindergarten. I love my job and my students (past and present!)  This website has all of our weekly updates to fill you in on what is going on in our classroom!  I hope that you leave with a kindergartener's enthusiasm for living and learning! 

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