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Last week we focused on fairy tales by reading "The 3 Little Pigs" and all of the "twisted" versions! This week, we focused on "Goldilocks and the 3 Bears!" and all of the "twisted" versions of it. These units help us focus on character traits as well as a major standard of comparing and contrasting characters, settings, and events in familiar stories.

We also did a fun STEAM activity to build and measure a new chair for Baby Bear:

We came up with a new positive behavior chart for our class so that we can "catch" each other doing the right thing and being a kind friend! They decided we should name it the "Caring Chart" and they wanted to write sticky notes of what they saw, then give it to that friend, & that friend gets to stick it to the chart... Let me just say.. they're OBSESSED:

I'm hoping that this is another way to encourage them to be making good choices, but also focus on the good in each other rather than tattling when another makes a poor choice! We already have so many positive behavior initiatives, but most of them come from ME... I want them to celebrate each other too!

& on Friday, we had a dental assistant come in to talk to us for Dental Health Month!

Ask Your Child About:

-Phonemic Awareness: sound manipulation in all positions (initial, medial, final)

-Phonics: digraphs, diphthongs (ow, oo, ou), long vowels (ee, ea, silent e)

-Writing: Adding details, writing more than one sentence

-Reading: Retelling (beginning, middle, & end) summary

-Math: geometry (2d vs. 3d shapes)

-Tech: robots!

Just Because:

Staring longingly out the window on what felt like the 400th day of indoor recess...! Is winter almost over?! :)


-This week is Dr. Seuss week! Please see the note sent home in Thursday folders for details, but

*Monday is silly socks for "Fox in Socks"

*Tuesday is Green Eggs & Ham

*Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday (mismatched clothes/crazy)

*Thursday is Kid in a Hat (wear or make a hat)

*Friday is Dr. Seuss's birthday party! (wear a red t-shirt!)

-If you signed up for something on the sign up genius, please make sure it's sent to school ASAP! Thanks so much for your support! -Friday is the Seussical Carnival at MVE & I couldn't bring myself to ask for donations after I just asked for 100 day & Dr. Seuss & then it was Valentine's Day. I had originally planned on skipping it, but then I heard the kids talking about it and realized they'll be bummed if our classroom isn't open. I'm going to reuse the colored hairspray I have left from last carnival & see how long it lasts! If you're attending, come to our room early!

-Spring conferences are coming up! March 11,12,13. Please sign up on the sign up genius if you haven't yet!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

With SO much love,

Ms. Ham

Meet Ms. Ham  

Hi, I'm Ms. Ham!  This is my 6th year teaching kindergarten. I love my job and my students (past and present!)  This website has all of our weekly updates to fill you in on what is going on in our classroom!  I hope that you leave with a kindergartener's enthusiasm for living and learning! 

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